BML & BMR Waivers

Most researchers and students must submit signed waivers before they may access the Bodega Marine Reserve. The only exceptions are UC employees acting within the course and scope of their employment or UC students (accompanied by the class instructor) who have already signed a class waiver. Signed waivers may be handed in at the BML Office during regular business hours or returned to BML by mail (to arrive before the user).

Individual Waiver

For minors under the age of 18, use Individual Waivers, signed by Parent/Guardian.

Group Waiver

For Adult Groups (includes Individual Waiver page plus subsequent pages for other individuals):

Return completed waivers to the BML Office during regular business hours (M-F 8am - 12pm and 1 pm - 5 pm) or return by mail to:

Bodega Marine Laboratory - Waivers
P.O. Box 247
Bodega Bay, CA 94923-0247